When it comes to pizza, you can experiment with sauces, cheese, or toppings and customers generally don’t mind. But change the crust? You may get some pushback, as most customers say the crust is the most important — and satisfying — part of a pizza.
So, how do you guarantee you’re serving up satisfying pies to your customers? Simple solution! Use pizza crust and dough from Alive & Kickin’ Pizza Crust to ensure unfailing quality, consistency and performance.
How do you get Alive & Kickin’ Pizza Crust products for your operation? There’s a simple solution for that, too — just ask your distributor.
However, before you reach for the phone, you’ll want to:
- Assess your pizza crust and pizza dough needs. You might want to develop a brief checklist of your most popular pizza styles so you can identify the corresponding crust varieties — thin, thick, flatbread, custom, etc. You’ll also want to make a mental note of pre-made dough ball use and any opportunities for custom crusts or specialty items like sauces.
- Familiarize yourself with Alive & Kickin’ products. Taking a few minutes to clarify what you need before you take this step really helps streamline the process of finding the best fits from the wide variety of pizza crust and dough available through Alive & Kickin’.
Now you’re ready to talk to your distributor! Communication is really the key to success.
There’s a good chance that your distributor already carries some Alive & Kickin’ products, so you’re all set.
But, that’s not always the case. Should you need pizza crust and pizza dough that’s not commonly stocked, you have a chance to help your distributor and yourself. By asking for the Alive & Kickin’ items and explaining why you and likely other operators value these products (convenience, performance, specialty, etc.), you’re giving your distributor valuable feedback on which they can re-evaluate their inventory. You gain easier accessibility to the products you need and they gain an opportunity to maintain and grow their customer base.
Depending on need, it sometimes makes sense for an operator to work directly with a dough manufacturer. Get Started With Pre-made Dough Balls: A 3-Step Guide shows you how easy it is to establish a partnership, especially when you rely upon your distributor for guidance. Click the button below to access your copy now!